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External and Regular Users on all account types can create Subfolders and Subprojects.
⏱ 2 min read
Subfolders and Subprojects live within parent Folders and Projects and they help you organize your Workspace. Apart from their location within the Folder structure, Subfolders and Subprojects have the same properties as Folders and Projects, you can: add tasks, color code, share, and even add additional levels of Subfolders and Subprojects.
A Subfolder or Subproject is added to the location you created it from.
*The Subfolder or Subproject is automatically shared with the people with whom the parent Folder or Project is shared, however, you can share it with additional people.
The Folder or Project you originally selected is now a Subfolder or Subproject in the location where you added (tagged) it.
Please note, the steps above are for including existing Folders or Projects in additional or multiple locations. If you would like to move a Folder or Project from one location to another, please read our help center page on moving Tasks, Folders, and Projects.