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Step 3: Collaborating in Wrike

The beauty of Wrike is that you can use it as a central hub for your work, tasks, priorities, and discussions without juggling multiple emails or switching between apps.

Finding Your Work


Start your day by checking your Inbox. Inbox shows you all work updates that requires your attention: notifications for new @mentions, task assignments, and when a task, folder, or project is shared with you. If you click notification, you’ll open the task or project panel with detailed information and previous discussions.

It’s a good idea to use the two-minute rule when dealing with notifications: If the answer takes you less than two minutes, reply to it right away. If it requires more of your time, snooze notifications to prioritize it later.



Dashboards are one of the most customizable ways to keep track of your work. They allow you to focus on your priorities and make sure that nothing falls through the cracks. On Dashboards, tasks are grouped on widgets by certain criteria, such as your overdue tasks, tasks to do this week, your backlogged tasks, etc. You can add additional widgets, like a file widget or all tasks you assigned – anything that’s important to you. Learn more about Personal Dashboard.


My To-Do list in Personal space

Another way to see your work is in the "My to-do" smart folder. It helps you focus on the most important tasks and contains:

  • All tasks and subtasks that are assigned to you
  • Tasks that you manually added to "My to-do”

You can customize what you see in My to-do by applying filters, changing sorting order, or displaying tasks and subtasks as a plain list.


Collaborating On Tasks

Now that you know where to find your work, let’s move on to getting things done. Wrike provides you and your teammates with a shared workspace where you can share progress, discuss issues, and find a single source of truth for the task status and final version of files.
Take a quick look at the list of features that will help you collaborate with your team in Wrike.

Feature How it works Use case
@mention In the comments field, type @ followed by a username. Use @assignees to mention all task assignees and @followers to mention all task, folder, or project followers.
  • Share a task and provide context on why you’re sharing the task with them.
  • Let users know exactly what area of the conversation is relevant to them.
Task Description The task description saves changes automatically and instantly. Multiple people can work on tasks at the same time and you’ll see who’s working on what.
  • Provide all task details to assignees and stakeholders.
  • Take meeting notes (as a team or individually).
  • Collaborate on text editing for remote teams.
Task changes When someone makes changes to a task’s description, an “updated description” link is added to the task’s stream. Click the link to see what changes were made.
  • Track changes when you're working with a team and want to see what changes a teammate made.
Quoting text Highlight text from the description field or comments, then click the quotation marks that appear. A new comment is started, quoting the text you highlighted.
  • Reference a specific part of a task and make it clear to everyone what you’re referring to.
Emojis Add emojis to comments in Wrike. Click in the comments field, then click the smiley face icon to see a full list of available emojis.
  • Let teammates know how to read your comments or use them to add personality and humor to the workspace.
Approvals (Available for Business and Enterprise plans) You can assign approvers and set deadlines for tasks and projects. Each approver is able to approve or reject the task.
  • Streamline approval process.
  • See who’s responsible for approving the work of your team.
  • Determine whether any pending approvals could delay your project.
  • Create custom dashboard widgets based on approvals.

Collaborating On Files

Feature How it works Use case
Attach files Attach files to tasks from your computer or from cloud storage providers. You have files related to projects and want to keep everything in one place.
Wrike Proof and Wrike Publish are available as a paid add-ons.
Proofing Add comments directly to images, videos, PDFs, and Microsoft Office files. Reply to and discuss feedback and resolve comments as edits are made. Proofing is an easy way to collect centralized feedback without juggling emails.
File Approvals Request reviews from key stakeholders and set approval deadlines. Reviewers can mark assets as approved or request specific changes, creating a clear edit and approval log. You need sign offs on collateral before it can be used/published. With Guest reviews, you can invite your clients, who don’t have a Wrike account, to review files.
Wrike Publish: MediaValet and Bynder Integrations Publish approved assets directly to your digital asset manager from Wrike. Unify brand messaging and visuals across integrated campaigns. Upload, find, and attach approved digital assets.

Developing Wrike Habits

Learning new tools may be challenging, but practice makes perfect. Follow these simple rules every day and you’ll soon realize you don’t need long email threads, multiple status meetings, or manual updates in spreadsheets. Wrike will save you time on finding your work, collaborating with your team, and reporting on progress, so you can focus on tasks that are really important for you.

  1. Start your day by reviewing your new and existing tasks in Wrike:
    • Check Inbox for new @metions and incoming tasks. Reply to, snooze, or archive notifications until you empty out your Inbox.
    • Check the My to-do list in your Personal space for task priorities.
    • Check your Personal Dashboard to keep track of your work.
  2. Share your work progress:
    • When work is in progress:
    • Add comments and @mention others.
    • Change task status to reflect the current state.
    • Change the due date if necessary.
  3. When work is done:
    • Complete a task by changing its status.
    • @mention stakeholders.
    • Attach assets if applicable.
  4. When creating a task make sure:
    • The title is clear.
    • The task is assigned and scheduled.
    • The task description covers requirements and expectations.
  5. At the end of the day, make sure that:
    • There’s no unread notifications in your Inbox.
    • You updated task statuses to InProgress and Completed.
    • You rescheduled overdue tasks or notified stakeholders.
    • You have prioritized your tasks for the next day in My to-do.

Thank you for completing our guide! Time to return to your workspace and get more things done with Wrike.

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