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Access Reports

Access Reports are available on Enterprise accounts. 

⏱ 4 min read


Access Reports let you keep track of who has access to what and help you ensure that things are shared with the right people/groups. Use Access Reports to see

  • Who a folder, project, or space is shared with (and who has access to any descendant items).
  • What a person or group has access to.
  • If folders, projects, or spaces are shared with someone other than those who it should be shared with.
  • The list of public calendar links, who created them, and when.
  • On accounts with Wrike Proof: a list of Guest Users who’d been invited to review files attached to tasks, folders, and projects.

Important Information

  • An admin or group admin must have access to a folder, project, or space for it to be visible to them on Access Reports.
  • Spaces are shown as folders in the list.

Navigate Access Reports

To open Access Reports:

  1. Click your profile image in the upper right-hand corner of your workspace.
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Click "Access reports" in the left panel.

You will see a list of top-level folders and projects shared with you on the left. Once you select them, you can generate a Calendar Access Report, or, on accounts with Wrike Proof, Guest Reviewers Report.

User Access Report 

Understanding the Layout

  • “Path” column shows the path to the folder, project, or space you’re reporting on and, under its name, the list users and groups that have access to it.
  • “Shared with” column displays the number of users/groups who have access to that folder, project, or space and their access roles.
  • “Tasks or subfolders shared with” column displays users/groups who have access to at least one item in the folder, project, space that you report on.

Actions You Can Take

  • “Filter by group or user” allows you to apply filters to report results.
  • Click on a cell in the “Tasks/subfolders shared with” columns to see a full list of users/groups who have access. Users/groups matching the filter are highlighted.
  • View a full list of descendant items that are shared with someone:
    • Click on a cell in the “Tasks or subfolders shared with” column.
    • Select a user or group from the dropdown.
    • In the window that opens: filter the list by title or click the item’s title to open it in the workspace and change who it’s shared with.

Guest Reviewers Report

Understanding the Layout

  • Task column - shows a title of a task, folder, or project with attachments in review.
  • Link status column - indicates if a Guest Reviewer accepted or declined an invitation to review, or if it’s still pending.
  • Host column - shows who had invited a Guest Reviewer.
  • Creation date - displays the date on which a Guest Reviewer was invited.
  • Invitee and Invitee’s email columns - show a Guest Reviewer’s email address and a name (if it was indicated by the Guest’s inviter).
  • Expiration date - indicates when a Guest Review expires.

Actions You Can Take

Right-click on a row in the report to:

  • Open items listed in the report in a separate tab.
  • Copy the link of the task, in which there are Guest Reviewers.
  • Delete Guest Reviewers.

You can delete several (or all) Guest Reviewers in the report at once. To do so:

  1. Click the checkbox in the row(s) which contain(s) Guest Reviewers you want to delete or click the "Select N links" button in the panel above to select all the links in the report.
  2. Click "Delete N links" at the bottom of the interface.

Click “Filters” to filter the report by status, review creation date, or review expiration date.

Calendars report

Understanding the Layout

  • “Link” column contains public link URLs.
  • “Link name” column displays the name of the public link.
  • “Host” column contains the name of the link creator.
  • “Creation date” column displays the date when the link was generated.

Actions You Can Take

  • Right-click on a row in the report to:
    • Copy the link in that row
    • Open the link in a separate tab to view the shared calendars and layers
    • Delete the link
  • You can review any public links created by your team members in a certain period of time. Just click the “Set period” button above the table and select the time period in the calendar that appears.
  • You can also delete several links at a time:
    1. Check the boxes to the left of all the links you want to delete.
    2. Click the “Delete N links” button that appears at the bottom of the view.

Run a User Access Report

Admins or group admins on Enterprise accounts can use Access Reports.

User report with access roles allows you to view which users have access to a certain folder, project, or space and also what their access role is. 

  1. Click your profile image in the workspace’s upper-right corner.
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Click "Access reports" in the left panel.
  4. Check the boxes next to the folders, projects, or spaces whose share settings you want to verify. You can filter by folders/project/space by name via the filter box or expand the folder tree to find the items you’re looking for.
  5. Click “Generate report.”
  6. (optional) Apply filters:
    • “Selected users and groups” - shows items that are shared with the selected users and groups.
    • “Anyone except” - shows items that are shared with someone other than the specified users and groups.

You see three columns:

  • “Path” column shows all folders, projects, or spaces that you selected in Step 4. Each of the items has a caret icon to the left of its name. Click the icon to expand the row and see the list of users and groups that have access to the item.
  • “Shared with” column displays a counter of users and user groups that have access to the selected folder, project, or space. When the row is expanded, you also see the access roles of users that have access to the item. If the selected item or its child items are not shared with anybody, you see “Only you” in this column.
  • “Tasks or subfolders shared with” column displays a counter of users and user groups who have access to tasks in the selected folder, project, or space. Click on the cell in this column to display the full list of users and groups. Then click a user or group to see the full list of items they have access to with the access role displayed next to the item's name in parentheses.

Ensure Data is Shared With the Right People

Admins or group admins on Enterprise accounts can use Access Reports.

  1. Click your profile image in the workspace’s upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Click "Access reports" in the left panel.
  4. Check the box(es) next to the folder(s), project(s), or space(s) whose share settings you want to verify.
  5. Click “Generate report”.
  6. Click “Filter by group or user”.
  7. Switch the toggle to “anyone except”.
  8. Enter the names of the user(s) or User Group(s) that should have access to the folder(s)/projects(s)/space(s).

You’ll see a list of folders/projects/spaces which are shared with or which have descendent items shared with someone other than the selected users and groups.

See What a Person/Group Has Access To

Admins or group admins on Enterprise accounts can use Access Reports.

  1. Click your profile image in the workspace’s upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Click "Access reports" in the left panel.
  4. Check the boxes you want to report on.
  5. Click “Generate report”.
  6. Click “Filter by group or user”.
  7. Enter a user, users, or User Groups name.

You’ll see a list of folders/projects/spaces which are shared (or with descendant items which are shared) with the specified users or groups.  

Run a Guest Reviewers Report

  1. Click your profile image in the upper right-hand corner of your workspace.
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Click "Access reports" in the left panel.
  4. Switch to the “Guest Review” tab.
  5. Check the box(es) next to the folder(s)/project(s)/space(s) you want to report on. Filter folders/projects/spaces by name via the filter box or expand the folder tree to find the items you’re looking for.
  6. Click “Generate report”.

Run Calendars Access Report

  1. Click your profile image in the upper-right corner of your workspace.
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Click "Access reports" in the left panel.
  4. Switch to the “Calendars” tab.

The full list of all calendar public links created in the account opens automatically. You can filter links by their date of creation: Click the “Set period” button at the top of the chart and select a time period. To sort the data in the list, click on any column title.

Export to CSV

User Access Reports can be exported as a CSV files. To do that, click the “Export CSV” buttonin the top-right corner of the Access Reports page. 
Note: Access roles in user access reports and Guest Review reports cannot be exported as CSV files.