Wrike Analyze is a paid add-on available on Business and higher accounts. Regular users can create and view analytics boards. External users and collaborators can only view analytics boards shared with them.
Wrike Analyze is an add-on that allows you to see Wrike workspace data in interactive analytics boards. You can create boards and widgets using the pre-built templates, or start from scratch and create a custom analytics board.
Charts are automatically updated with the most recent data once a day, so you don’t have to worry about recreating reports or pulling new information.
Important Information
- Information displayed in an analytics board corresponds to a snapshot of Wrike workspace data, which is made daily after 8 p.m. in the timezone of the account owner. You can see the actual time of the snapshot within the top bar of an analytics board.
- You can't create analytics boards based on folders, projects, or spaces created less than 24 hours ago.
- The “Include data from” filter always needs to be populated to avoid errors and incorrect results in widgets.
- Custom fields that are not shared with everyone in the account are unavailable in analytics.
- Custom fields that are not numeric/currency/percentage cannot be added as columns to Pivot widgets
- There is no way to filter an analytics board using two different custom fields at once. To filter over a single custom field, select two filters: with custom field name and required value(s). You can create two different widgets, each filtering for a specific custom field.
- Wrike Analyze is not available on accounts encrypted with Wrike Lock.
- For the best performance, it's recommended to have no more than 8 widgets per board.
- Project/Task Status labels and colors might be distorted when exporting to PDF. We recommend setting the colors manually for each status in widget settings.
Available Data
Analytic boards are built over a data model that contains key Wrike workspace entities and building blocks, such as Spaces, folders, tasks, timelogs, users and history of status changes.
You can visualize or filter any attribute of any entity. Entities are already connected to each other behind the scenes, so you can build boards that span multiple entities, without specifying relations between entities.
To see the whole list of data available in our Wrike Analyze data model go to the Wrike Analyze: Available Data Help center page.
Available Analytics Widgets
Pivot: This one might be the most useful for summarizing and analyzing large amounts of data. However, we recommend you don't add more than 70 columns to optimize performance.
Pie Chart: Use Pie Chart to display proportional data, and/or percentages.
Column Chart: The Column Chart can be used for comparing items and comparing data over time. The chart can include multiple values on both the X and Y-axis.
Bar Chart: Use Bar Chart to compare many items. You can see descriptive data (e.g. categories or items) along the Y-Axis and values displayed on the X-Axis.
Line Chart: Use Line Chart to compare changes over the same period of time for more than one group or category.
Area Chart: This one is very similar to the Line Chart except that the areas under each line are colored, and it is possible to display them as stacked.
Table: Table widget displays a broader view of your data, presenting it in columns.
Tree Map: The Tree Map is a multi-dimensional widget that displays hierarchical data in the form of nested rectangles.
Scatter Map: Use Scatter Maps to visualize geographical data as data points on a map. The map distinguishes data using different colors and sizes for the data points on the map.
- Area Map: Area Map shows the locations of data, selected for the widget.
Indicator: The Indicator widget provides various options for displaying one or two numeric values as a number, gauge or ticker. It also provides the option to add additional titles and a color-coded indicator icon representing the value.
Scatter Chart: The Scatter Chart displays the distribution of two variables on an X-Axis, Y-Axis, and two additional dimensions of data that are shown as colored circles scattered across the chart.
Calendar Heatmap: Use the Calendar Heatmap widget to visualize values over days in a calendar-like view.
Sunburst: The Sunburst widget is similar to a Pie Chart but is multi-dimensional. Whereas a pie chart combines one field and one numeric value, the Sunburst widget can display multiple rings, one for each field.
Box & Whisker Plot: Box Plots are divided into four quartiles. The middle quartiles are represented by a box that contains 50% of the data and the median value. The upper and lower quartiles contain the maximum and minimum values and the remaining 50% of the data. These quartiles are represented by lines called whiskers.
Polar Chart: Use the Polar Chart to compare multiple categories/variables with a spacial perspective.
- Funnel Chart: Funnel Chart is a common way to show stages in a process, with the most prevalent example being a funnel representing stages in a sales process.
Create an Analytics Board from a Template
You can use one of the available pre-built templates to create a powerful analytics board instantly, or create one from scratch.
There are five templates available:
- Project Portfolio Status - shows comprehensive information about the status of project portfolio, including:
- KPI widgets showing number of active and overdue projects, completion rate percentage and number of active tasks.
- Breakdowns of projects by status and owner/status.
- Pivot table with detailed information about project.
- Project Status - shows comprehensive information about the status of one or multiple projects:
- KPI widgets showing number of active and overdue tasks, completion rate percentage based on number of tasks and their duration.
- Breakdowns of tasks by status and owner/status.
- Project burndown chart.
- Calendar widget showing number of completed tasks by days.
- Pivot table with detailed information about tasks.
- Productivity Analysis - allows you to review how effective the process is, and where the bottlenecks are. This board shows:
- Tasks created and completed this month, with a comparison against the previous month.
- Average completion time this month versus last month.
- Average time tasks spent in certain statuses (as Area Chart and Pivot Table).
- Top status changes (as Bar Chart and Pivot Table).
- Details on every task with regards to how much time it spent in statuses.
- Sprint Overview - shows information on the team progress within the sprint:
- Sprint scope
- Percentage of completed task
- Total number of tracked hours for sprint
- Progress in effort and story points
- Tasks created and added to the sprint after its start
- Burnup and burndown charts showing progress
- Agile Velocity - enables you to see the average values to plan your team’s work more efficiently:
- Total number of completed sprints
- Average number of completed tasks, story points, and tracked hours per sprint
To create a board from template:
- Select the “Reports” tab from the top of your workspace.
- Select the needed template from the list of options:
- Project Portfolio Overview
- Project Status
- Productivity Analysis
- Sprint Overview
- Agile Velocity
- Select Space(s), folder(s) or project(s) that contain all the required projects in the portfolio.
- The created board is open.
Next you can customize the created board by adding new widgets or by applying additional filters.
Create a Custom Analytics Board
You can create multiple analytics boards with needed data. Analytics Boards are created based on data from selected folder(s), project(s) and Space(s).
To create a new custom board:
- Select the “Reports” tab from the top of your workspace.
- Click the “Custom analytics board” button.
- Select folder(s), project(s) or Space(s) from where data will be included in your analytics board.
- Click “Create”.
- Next, add widgets to your board, by clicking the “+Select data” button. 1
- Select the data that you would like to be shown on your widget (for example, Project Owner or Project Start Date). 2 The field that you select is automatically displayed in a suggested widget.
- Next, select the type of widget you want it to be (e.g. Pie Chart, Table, etc). 3 The data that you select is automatically displayed in the suggested view. When numeric data is selected, it is displayed as an Indicator widget. Descriptive data is displayed as a Pivot widget. You can click on each visualization button to display the selected fields in that visualization/chart.
- You can add more data if needed from the above panel. To do so click the “+Add more data button”. 4
- You can use formulas while creating custom widgets. To open the Formula Editor click the “fx” button while selecting the data for your widget. 5
- Additionally you can apply filters or go to the advanced settings to configure the widget. 6
- Click “Create” to add this widget to the new analytics board. 7
- After it’s done you can add more widgets to the analytics board or change the board’s title.
- Click “Save” to create the custom board. 8
You can add a title to your widget now or after creation of your widget. To do so double-click on the “Add Title” area written above the widget, enter a name for the widget and press Enter on your keyboard.
Creating Widgets From the Gallery
With Wrike Analyze, you can select a pre-built widget and add it to any of your boards, either custom or those created from a template.
Available widgets:
Name of the widget |
The data it shows |
Total tasks |
The overall number of tasks |
Total projects |
The overall number of projects |
Total active tasks |
The overall number of active (not completed, deferred, or canceled) tasks |
Total active projects |
The overall number of active (not completed, deferred, or canceled) projects |
Time spent by category |
A pie chart showing how much time (in hours) was spent on each timelog category |
Tasks created trend |
A line chart showing how many tasks were created over time |
Tasks completed trend |
A line chart showing how many tasks were completed over time |
Tasks by status |
A pie chart showing how many tasks have a specific status |
Task list |
A pivot table showing all tasks, their status, assignees, dates, and other details |
Tasks completion progress |
The percentage of tasks that are completed, with conditional coloring |
Projects by status |
A pie chart showing how many projects have a specific status |
Project list |
A pivot table showing all projects, their status, owners, dates, and other details |
Burndown by task completion |
A chart showing the percentage of open tasks by date so you can see project progress |
To build a widget from a template:
- Open the analytics board you want to add a widget to.
- Click the “Edit” button in the upper-right corner of the workspace.
- Click the “+Widget” button on the panel above the board.
- Select a widget from the list.
- Type the name of the widget (if needed).
- Click “Add.”
The widget is added to the board. You can add more widgets right away or click “Save” to save the changes you’ve made.
Adding Widgets to an Analytics Board
You can add multiple widgets to the analytics board anytime you need it. You can create custom widgets or select a template from the widget gallery. To create a new custom widget for your analytics board:
- Open the analytics board you want to add a widget to.
- Click the “Edit” button in the upper-right corner of the workspace.
- Click the “+Widget” button on the panel above the board.
- In the window that opens, click on “+Custom widget.”
- Next, you can:
- Select the type of a widget you want to build and its design.
- Select what data should be displayed.
- Apply filters.
- Select the values to be displayed on the widget.
- Set a title for the widget.
- After you set all data preferences, you can save your changes by clicking the “Apply” button on the panel above the widget.
After you added all the required widgets to the board you can rearrange them by dragging and dropping these widgets within one analytics board.
Edit a Widget
- Open the board where the needed widget is located.
- Click “Edit” in the upper right-hand corner
- Hover over the widget, which you want to edit.
- Click the pencil icon that appears in the right corner of the widget.
- After all the changes are made, click “Apply” to save them.
You can also change the color(s) of your widget in the left-hand panel in widget entering mode. Conditional coloring (different colors depending on value) is supported.
Note: if “Project Status (Color)” or “Task Status (Color)” is displayed in a widget, the selected color will be overridden by the color set in Wrike for a particular status.
Additionally, from the three-dot menu that appears next to the pencil icon, you can add a title to the widget or rename it, duplicate a widget and download it as an image or CSV file.
Delete a widget
- Open the board where the needed widget is located.
- Click “Edit” in the upper right-hand corner
- Hover over the widget, which you want to delete.
- Click the three-dot menu button which appears in the right corner of the widget.
- Select “Delete”.
Analyzing Trends in Your Data
In Wrike Analyze you can add trend lines over a widget to highlight tendencies in your data. People with all access roles can add trend lines to widgets.
Note: Wrike Analyze supports trend lines on all column, line, area, and bar charts. Only time series with a single date dimension are supported.
There are two trend line options available:
A linear trend line is a straight line that usually shows when values are increasing or decreasing at a steady rate.
A logarithmic trend line is a best-fit curved line that’s used when the rate of change in the data increases or decreases quickly and then levels out.
To add a trend line:
- Hover over a selected widget.
- Click the "Analyze it" button.
- Hover over "Trend" and enable the toggle next to "Show trend".
- Next, you can:
- Select the trend line (linear or logarithmic).
- Select to compare data with the previous year, quarter, or month.
Click "Close" to apply the changes.
Forecasting Future Results
Wrike Analyze enables you to easily forecast future values based on historical data. The flexible forecast settings allow you to simply change a parameter and see how it affects future values, so you can understand which scenario will help you meet your targets and take the right business decisions.
Please note, forecasting can be applied to the following widget types: line chart, area chart, column chart.
All users who have access to the widget with the forecasting feature enabled can view and interact with the forecast.
To add forecasting to your widgets:
- Create a widget with one of the supported widget types (line chart, area chart, column chart).
- Place a time variable on the X-axis and the time-dependent variable that you want to forecast on the Y-axis.
- Click the icon under the forecasted variable and select "Forecast".
- Toggle on the "Visible" control at the top of the "Forecast Settings" window to enable the forecast.
- From here you can edit additional settings:
- Add an explaining variable;
- Change evaluation and forecast periods.
Click on "Advanced" to set up additional values (confidence, model type, boundaries limitations).
Click "Apply" to save changes.
To access a forecast:
- Hover over the widget.
- Click on "Analyze it."
- Hover over Forecast and select "Forecast Settings."
- Check the settings and click "Apply."
Adding Static Text to an Analytics Board
- Click the “Edit” button in the upper right-hand corner of the workspace.
- Click on the “T” button which appears on the panel above the board.
- Add text to the board using rich text editor.
- After you’re finished, save your changes by clicking the “Save” button.
Filter Data on the Board
You can add one or multiple filters while working with analytics boards.
- Open the required analytics board.
- Click on the “+” icon on the Filters panel to the right of the board.
- Select the filter(s) you want to apply.
- In the pop-up that appears select the type of filter you want to apply:
- List
- Text
- Ranking
- Starred
- Once you’re finished setting up the filter click “OK”.
Share an Analytics Board
You can easily share the analytics board you have created with your teammates. To do so:
- Open the board that you want to share with your colleagues.
- Click the “Share” button in the upper right-hand corner of the workspace.
- Select a user or a user group from the list.
- Optional: select an Access Role for the user or group with whom you are sharing the board.
- Click “Save”.
The user, with whom you shared the analytics board, will see a notification in their Inbox. Note, that on this analytics board they will only see data from the Spaces/folders/projects/tasks that are shared with them. Hence, the data on the board can look different for different users.
If you want to share the analytics board with non-Wrike users you can export it as a pdf file or image. Additionally you can export separate widgets as images and CSV files.
Export an Analytics Board
You can export your analytics boards as PDF files or images.
Open the analytics board that you want to export.
- Click the three-dot menu button in the upper right-hand corner of the workspace.
- Select “Export” from the list that appears.
- Select the export type from two possible options:
- You can additionally select which data you want to show up in the exported file: just check (or uncheck) boxes next to “Show Dashboard Title”, “Show Dashboard Filters”, “Show Data Set Info”.
Duplicate an Analytics Board
Regular users can duplicate analytics boards created by them or shared with them (except for users with Read Only access role).
To create a copy of an analytics board:
- Open an analytics board you want to duplicate.
- Click the three-dot menu button on the panel above the board.
- Select "Duplicate".
- The copy of the board is created and open right away. The name of the board will have "copy" in it.
Note that the board copy will not be shared with the same users as the original.
Delete an Analytics Board
- Select the “Reports” tab from the top of your workspace.
- Right-click the analytics board which you would like to delete.
- Click “Delete”.
Or, alternatively:
- Open the analytics board which you want to delete.
- Click the three-dot menu button in the upper right-hand corner.
- Select ‘Delete”.