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Job Numbers

Job Numbers are available to all users (including Collaborators) on all account types.

⏱ 2 min read


Each task in Wrike has a unique numeric identifier, a Task ID, which can also be used as a job number. Job numbers are extremely versatile and can be used to easily reference tasks and can serve as:

  • Ticket numbers for support requests
  • Candidate codes for applicant tracking
  • Equipment codes to monitor the location and usage of various assets

To ensure that each task in the account has a unique identifier, job numbers are automatically assigned and cannot be edited. 

Job numbers are visible from the Table View, and can be used in the Search field. 

Enable Job Numbers

  1. Select a Folder or Project from the left-hand Navigation panel.
  2. Switch to the Table View. 1
  3. Click on the gear icon 2 in the top left corner. 
  4. Check the box next to “ID”. 3

When you turn job numbers on for a Folder or Project, they are automatically visible on all tasks, subtasks, and subfolders within the Folder or Project. Repeat the process for any additional Folders/Projects that need job numbers.


Once job numbers are enabled you can include them when you export your tasks to Excel. To do this, select the Folder or Project which you would like to export, go to the Table View and click the "Export" button 1 to export the data that is currently displayed on the view to an Excel document.


View Job Numbers

When job numbers are switched on, you can see them from the Table Views. Job numbers as seen from the Table View.


You can also find a task's job number on its permalink (the direct link to a specific task). A job number is the numeric portion of a task’s link and it comes at the end of the link after the “id=” 1.


Search by Job Number

You can use job numbers (task IDs) to quickly find tasks in Wrike. To do this, type the task's ID number in the search box. 

You can also go directly to a task's page by typing” into your address bar and including the task's ID at the end of the link. 
