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Project Risk Report

All users, including collaborators, on all Wrike accounts, can enable the Project Risk Report feature for their individual accounts.


Project Risk Report is a feature based on the company’s proprietary machine learning technology. Once you enable Project Risk Report, Wrike AI will analyze all active projects that you are the owner of and predict how likely each project is to be completed on time. Project risk assessment takes into account numerous factors including project complexity, the number of completed and overdue tasks, the number of assignees, task activity, the history of the owner’s previous projects, and many others.

You’ll receive a weekly Project Risk Report email with the risk assessments based on the results of Wrike’s automated prediction. If a project is at risk of not meeting the deadline, it’ll be highlighted in the email. For projects with high and medium risk levels, the machine learning model also provides the list of factors that contribute to potential issues so you can proactively address them. For projects with high risk levels, each factor will also contain a list of contributing tasks.

Important Information

  • Project Risk Report includes only projects that you are the owner of. Only active projects that meet specific essential criteria about duration, content, etc. will receive a risk assessment. Other projects will appear in the emails under the “Not Assessed” section with the corresponding reasons.
  • The more accurate and up to date the details in your projects are (i.e., dates, status, project’s tasks info, etc.), the more precise the risk predictions in reports will be.

Enable Project Risk Report

Any user on any Wrike account can enable Project Risk Report for their individual account.

  1. Click on your profile image in the workspace's upper-right corner.
  2. Select “Settings.”
  3. Click “Email Preferences” in the left panel.
  4. Scroll down to “Email notification schedule.”
  5. Check the box next to “Send Risk report weekly on Monday at.”
  6. Select the preferred time to receive the email.
  7. Click “Save changes.”

Once you complete the steps, Project Risk Report is enabled for your individual account, and you’ll receive your first email the following Monday.
