Wrike users can invite Guest Users to review files from their Wrike accounts. When they do, a guest user receives an email invitation to review and can comment on and approve files without having to join an account.
Review Work Assigned to You (for Guest Users)
- Open an email inviting you to review files.
- Click:
- “Proceed to Review” to open files for review.
- “Reject” to decline an invitation.
- If you choose to proceed to review, a new browser tab opens where you can add comments and give your decision. You may need to enter a password if the document has been set as password-protected.
- Add comments: Click one of the Proofing icon options under the image (you can choose the comment, arrow, box, or pen icon). If you're commenting on a PDF file, a text highlight option also appears.
- Give your decision: Click “Approve” or “Changes required” under the image. Click "Undo decision" if you want to reset your decision and provide a new one.
- Use the arrows on the left and right sides of the image to switch between files.
- Close the browser tab when you have finished the review.
Wrike users immediately see your decisions and comments.
Email Notifications to Guest Users
Guest Users receive an email notification when:
- They are invited to review a file.
- Someone replies to their comment.
- Someone @mentioned the Guest User in a comment.
- A new file is added to the review.
- A new version of a file in review is uploaded.
Guest Users can click the “Reject” link within the email notification to opt out of a Review. Wrike Users can also remove them from a Review. Either of these actions means that the Guest User will no longer receive email notifications pertaining to the Review.
Create a Wrike Account
If you feel that Wrike can help you or your team, you can start a free trial.