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Wrike Proof for HTML is available for Wrike for Marketers and Wrike for Marketers Enterprise accounts as well as for Professional, Business, and Enterprise accounts with the Wrike Proof add-on. Account owners can start a 14-day free trial of the Wrike Proof add-on from the Account Management section. Once enabled, all user types (including collaborators) can use Proofing.
Use Wrike Proof for HTML to add comments directly to web pages within Wrike and add links to approvals.
You can add links to web pages just like you would to other attachments in Wrike.
The link is added to the list of attachments. Now you can open it in Proofing and start collaborating.
To open links in Proofing you need to install the Wrike Proof for HTML Chrome extension. You will be asked to do so when you first open any link from the list of attachments.
Now you can:
When you leave a comment a snapshot of the viewed part of the page is created. You can always switch to the live version of the page or back to the snapshot within the Proofing window. It is possible to leave multiple comments on one snapshot, to do so stay in the Snapshot tab after you posted the very first comment and add more comments from there. To create a new snapshot go back to the Live preview and leave a new comment.
Please note that each snapshot takes up storage space in Wrike. When you remove the snapshot the storage space is restored.