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Regular and External Users on all account types can view and restore items from Recycle Bin; Admins can delete data from Recycle Bin.
⏱ 1 min read
When you delete a Task, Folder, or Project it is moved to the Recycle Bin. After an item is deleted from the Recycle Bin it cannot be restored.
The Recycle Bin is located on the Workspace’s left-hand Navigation panel. Please note, the Recycle Bin only appears if there is at least one deleted item; the Recycle Bin doesn't appear if it is empty.
Account admins can empty the Recycle Bin.
All data will be erased from the recycle bin. When you click "Erase all", admins delete all data in their own recycle bin as well as any data in the recycle bins of all users in the account (even data that wasn't shared with them).