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Regular Users on all account types can share Tasks, Folders, and Projects.
⏱ 5 min read
In order to see a task, folder, or project in Wrike, that item must be shared with you. This means that what you see in your Workspace may be different from what your teammates see in their Workspaces.
Once an item is shared with users:
Projects and Folders created in the root folder are private by default and remain private until shared with someone or until added to another Project or Folder. If a Project or Folder is converted into a Subfolder, then it is automatically shared with all users who have access to the parent Folder/Project.
To create private tasks, first create a Folder or Project in the root folder and keep the Folder/Project unshared. Next, create tasks within that Folder or Project. Tasks created in this Folder or Project remain private until you share them with someone or until you add them to another Task, Folder, or Project. If you add a private task to another item, then the task is automatically shared with all users who have access to the parent Task, Folder, or Project.
Please note, if you add a task to your private Folder or Project, and that task is shared with other users, then it remains shared with those users even after it is added to your private Folder.
By default, sharing is inherited from the top down. If a Task, Folder, or Project is shared with a user, then all items added to or created in that Task, Folder, or Project are automatically shared with that user as well. With Inherited Sharing, you cannot unshare a Subtask, Subfolder, or Subproject from users if they have access to the parent Task, Folder, or Project.
Information is not automatically shared from the bottom up. If you share a Subtask, Subfolder, or Subproject with users, they do not automatically get access to the parent Task, Folder, or Project. You can use this logic to share information with the appropriate parties without having to share everything.
The ability to turn on Selective Sharing is available on Enterprise accounts.
Turning on Selective Sharing for a folder or project lets you edit who can access that folder or project, regardless of who has access to the parent folder or project. When you turn on Selective Sharing for a folder or project, it remains shared with any users who had access to it at the time that Selective Sharing was turned off.
When you turn on Selective Sharing, the folder/project is no longer automatically shared with additional users when you:
Please note, any subfolders or subprojects added to the folder/project with Selective Sharing turned on will follow the logic of Inherited Sharing — unless these new subfolders/subprojects also have Selective Sharing turned on.
Regular Users on Enterprise accounts can turn on Selective Sharing on folders or projects where they have Full Access.
Selective Sharing is now turned on for the selected folder or project. You can reenable Inherited Sharing at any point by going through the same steps and clicking “Enabled” on step 4.