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Controlled Admin Permissions

Controlled Admin Permissions are an Enterprise feature.

⏱ 3.5 min read


Admins are users with extended permissions. There are three types of admins:

  • Account owners
  • Admins with the right to grant/revoke admin rights
  • Regular admins

Each admin type has different restrictions for editing other admin’s permissions. All admin permissions are controlled from the User Management Chart.


Account Owners

Account owners are the only users in any account who are permitted to:

  • Edit payment information
  • Choose a billing plan
  • Access invoices
  • Cancel the subscription

Along with these four permissions, account owners on Enterprise subscriptions have all of the Enterprise admin permissions described below, by default.

Enterprise Admin Permissions

In Enterprise accounts, controlled admin permissions are grouped into categories.

The following permission categories can be granted to admins only by account owners.

Permission Category Gives Admins the Ability to
Log in as another user
  • Log in as other users (regular and external users and/or collaborators)
Grant/revoke admin rights
  • Grant and revoke admin rights from other users
  • Edit admin permissions for regular admins
  • Log in as any user, including collaborators and regular admins
  • Delete regular admins


The following permission categories can be granted to admins by account owners or admins with the right to grant/revoke admin rights.

Permission Category Gives Admins the Ability to
Edit names and emails, add/remove people from groups, deactivate and delete individual user accounts*
  • Edit and delete regular users, external users, and collaborators
  • Change a user’s license type
  • Delete and add user emails
  • Add and remove users from user groups
  • Grant users group admin permissions
  • Export a list of users
Transfer resources when deleting a user
  • ​​Transfer​​ items created and shared with a deleted user to a different user.
Reset 2-step verification for users 
  • Access the “Turn off” link under 2-step verification
Manage groups (add, edit, & delete)*
  • Create and delete user groups
  • Rename user groups
Manage job roles** (and hourly rates***)
  • Create and manage job roles in the account
  • Assign job roles to users
  • Specify hourly rates for job roles and users***
Create Spaces*
  • Create new Spaces in the account
Manage Custom Workflows (add, edit, & delete)*
  • Access the Workflow tab and from there add, edit, and delete workflows
Change status and workflow regardless of workflow restrictions
  • Apply any status and workflow to any task even when the status change is locked for other users
Manage custom fields (edit & delete)****
  • Access the ​Custom fields section​​ in Account Management
  • Overview and manage all custom fields in the account
Add, edit, and delete Automation rules
  • Manage all account automation rules created via the Automation Engine.
Configure team member's work schedule (workweek, holidays, etc.)*
  • Access the Work Schedules tab of Account Management
  • Change the month the fiscal year starts on
  • Designate the first day of the week for guest users
  • Choose the default date format for guest users
Manage Timelog Categories (add, edit & delete)*
  • Access the Timelog tab and from there, add, edit, and delete categories
Add, edit, and remove Request Forms.*
  • Access the Request forms tab and from there, add, edit, and delete request forms
Configure account settings (name, logo, etc.)
  • Edit the subscription’s name
  • Upload logos for branded emails and workspaces
  • Generate account backups
  • Set up the default account currency***
Configure advanced security settings
  • Decide who can invite new users
  • Restrict invitations to a specific domain
  • Specify the type of licenses which users can grant
  • Control attachment settings
  • Manage password policy settings
  • Enable SSO for the account
Generate user Activity Reports
  • Generate Audit Reports
Export account data
Manage Access Roles
  • Customize Access Roles
  • Change users’ level of access to financial details***

*Marked permissions are granted by default to all new admins. Read below to learn how to edit an admin’s permissions.

**This permission is available only in accounts with the Wrike for Professional Services package or Wrike Resource add-on enabled. It is granted to all account admins by default.

***This option is available only in accounts with the Wrike for Professional Services package.

****By default, only the account owner has this permission. Once the owner grants this permission to an admin who has the right to grant/revoke admin rights, that admin can give this permission to other admins.

Edit Admin Permissions

Please note:

  • Account owners can edit any admin’s permissions.
  • Admins with the right to grant/revoke admin rights can edit permissions of regular admins.
  • Regular admins cannot edit other admins’ permissions.
  • Account owner’s permissions cannot be edited.
  • It is not possible for any type of admin, including owner, to edit their own admin permissions.

Edit admin permissions:

  1. Click your profile image in the workspace's upper right-hand corner. 
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Click "Users" in the left panel to see a list of all users in the account.
  4. Click on the name or profile image of the user whose admin permissions you would like to edit. 
  5. Select “Permissions”. 
  6. Click "Edit permissions" (you may need to scroll to see it). 
  7. Check a box to grant a user the permissions. If the box is unchecked the user will not have the permissions associated with that category.
  8. Click “Save changes”. 

You will be prompted to enter your password and then your changes will go into effect immediately. An email is sent to the newly created admin, the account owner, and all admins with the right to grant/revoke admin rights.

Grant Admin Rights

Account owners and admins with the right to grant/revoke admin rights can grant admin permissions to other users and revoke them. 

  1. Click on your profile image in the workspace's upper right-hand corner. 
  2. Select "Settings" from the dropdown.
  3. Click "Users" in the left panel to see a list of all users in the account.
  4. Click the name or profile image of the user you would like to make an admin. 
  5. Click "Edit settings" (you may need to scroll to see it).
  6. Click the dropdown under "License Type" and select "Administrator". 
  7. Click "Save changes". 

You will be prompted to enter your password and then your changes will go into effect immediately. An email is sent to the newly created admin, the account owner, and all admins with the right to grant/revoke admin rights.
