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Dynamic Request Forms

Account admins and Space admins on Business and Enterprise accounts can create Request forms. Admins on Enterprise accounts may have this right disabled. Once a Request is published, all users (including Collaborators) can use it to submit requests.

 2 min read


Tailor your request form based on the response options someone selects when submitting a request. Create rules which 

  • Specify which questions (which page) a respondent should see next. 
  • Designate additional assignees.
  • Add the submitted form to additional parent folders.
  • Add subtasks or subprojects to the submitted form.
  • Override the original selection and create or duplicate a different project or a task.
  • Replace the original task blueprint or project blueprint with a task/project from another.
  • Change the status of the submitted form.

Conditional Follow-Up Questions

Designate which questions should be asked next, when the respondent selects a specific dropdown option.

  1. Add a dropdown type question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Hover over “Redirect”.
  5. Select what should happen when someone chooses that response: 
    • Continue to a different page on the form
    • Submit the form.

Repeat steps 3-5 until you’ve added all necessary pages and questions. Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.

Quick Tip! You'll have the option to create a new page, or select an existing page (if you've already created multiple pages on your form).

Note that in order for redirects to work correctly, there shouldn’t be more than one redirect per page.

Conditional Assignees

Add an additional assignee to your form when a specific dropdown answer, checkbox or importance option is selected.

  1. Add a dropdown, checkbox or importance question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Click “Add assignee” or “Add Project owner”.
  5. Select an assignee or project owner from the menu.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.

Conditional Project Owners

Add a project owner to the project created or duplicated via form submission.

  1. Add a dropdown or checkbox question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Click "Add project owner."
  5. From the list of users that appears, select the user you want to assign as a project owner. If you do not see the user in the list, start typing their name.
  6. Click + and add more owners, if required.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save.”

Conditional Parent Folders

Tag tasks and projects created via form submission with an additional parent folder/project/Space when a specific dropdown answer, checkbox or importance option is selected.

  1. Add a dropdown, checkbox or importance question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Click “Add parent Folder”.
  5. Select a parent folder/project/Space from the menu.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.

Conditional Subtasks

You can add subtasks to all tasks and projects created or duplicated via form submission. 

  1. Add a dropdown or checkbox question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Click “Add subtask”.
  5. In the opened window:
    • Enter the name of the task you want to add as a subtask and click on it in the search results.
    • If you have activated Blueprints in your account, click the Blueprint tab to add tasks from blueprints.
  6. Click + and add more subtasks, if required.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.

Note that there is an overall limit of 250 items that can be simultaneously added to a single submitted form. Items include tasks, projects and any subtasks and subprojects that live within them.

Conditional Subprojects

You can add subprojects to all projects created or duplicated via form submission.

  1. Add a dropdown or checkbox question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Click “Add subproject”.
  5. In the opened window:
    • Enter the name of the project you want to add as a subproject and click on it in search results.
    • If you have activated Blueprints in your account, click the Blueprint tab to add projects from blueprints.
  6. Click + and add more subtasks, if required.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.

Note that there is an overall limit of 250 items that can be simultaneously added to a single submitted form. Items include tasks, projects and any subtasks and subprojects that live within them.

Conditional Launch of Tasks

For requests that create or duplicate tasks or create tasks from blueprints, you can choose a specific task that will be duplicated if the dropdown answer or importance option is selected. 

  1. Add a dropdown or importance question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Click “Replace Task” or if you need to create a task from blueprint, click “ Replace Task Blueprint with”.
  5. Select the task in the list that appears or start typing the name of the desired task.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.

Conditional Launch of Projects

For requests which create or duplicate a project or create a project from blueprint you can designate that a specific project or blueprint is used if a particular dropdown or importance option answer is selected.

  1. Add a dropdown or importance question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Click “Replace Project” or if you need a project created from a blueprint, click “ Replace Project Blueprint with”.
  5. Select the folder/project or a blueprint from the list that appears.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.

Conditional Status Change

You can set a status change when a certain dropdown answer is selected. It is available in all accounts for tasks that are created or duplicated through form submission. Additionally, conditional status change can be useful for creating/duplicating projects via forms, in accounts with custom project workflows.

  1. Add a dropdown question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. Click “Reset status to”.
  5. In the popup window, choose the status that will be assigned to the created task.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.

Conditional Approvals

You can select to start an approval process if a certain dropdown, checkbox or importance answer is selected.

Note that it is possible to add conditional approvers to dropdown, checkbox or importance questions, however, conditional approval due date or status change is only available for dropdown or importance questions.

To add a conditional approval:

  1. Add a dropdown, importance or a checkbox question.
  2. Add all necessary response options.
  3. Hover over a response option and select the branching icon on the right.
  4. From here you can:
    • Select approvers
    • Set up a due date for the approval
    • Set up a status change according to the approvers’ response.

Click the “Add action” button to add other conditional branching actions to the same option, if necessary. When you’re finished making changes to your form, click “Publish” or “Save”.
