Personal spaces are available to users with all license types (including collaborators) in all accounts.
Your personal space is created automatically when you join a Wrike account. Personal space is a private workspace that allows you to organize and manage your work in a way that fits your work style.
- Your personal space and everything within it is visible only to you by default.
- You can share tasks, projects, or folders that are housed within your personal space with other users. However, you can't share the whole space.
- Each personal space contains two pre-created smart folders — “My to-do” and “Created by me.” These folders help you organize and prioritize your assignments.
- It’s not possible to rename a personal space or to invite other users to it.
- Personal spaces can’t be configured* or deleted.
*Users on custom workflow to their personal space. To apply it, right-click on the space in the left-hand navigation panel and select the workflow from the menu that appears. After you do that, all tasks that you create in personal space will get the first active status of the applied workflow.
“My To-Do” in Personal Space
The "My to-do" smart folder contains:
- All tasks and subtasks that are assigned to you
- Tasks that you manually added to "My to-do"
- Tasks with file Approvals to which you have been added as an approver
If you do not see some of these tasks in the folder, check the applied filters.
Add Existing Tasks to “My To-Do”
You can manually add a task or a subtask that is not assigned to you to “My to-do”:
- Open a task in the Task view.
- Click the pin icon that appears in the upper-right corner of the Task view.
Alternatively, you can right-click on any task in List view and select “Add to My to-do” from the menu that appears.
The task is immediately added to “My to-do.”
Note: Projects and folders can’t be added to “My to-do.”
Customize “My To-Do” View
Filter tasks to show only active tasks, only overdue tasks, or all tasks.
Sort tasks by priority, date, date modified, date created, status, importance, or title.
Use mass actions within “My to-do” to quickly edit multiple tasks at the same time.
Display tasks and their subtasks assigned to you as a plain list: subtasks won't be hidden under their parent tasks and will be shown in the list alongside the parents. To do that, click on the toggle button in the upper-right corner of the view and select "Plain". Alternatively, to group subtasks back underneath their parent tasks on the view, select "Hierarchical" under the same toggle button.
Make task cards look bigger on the view. You can enlarge each task card in "My to-do" by clicking the same toggle button in the upper-right corner and selecting "Two-line" in the "Task card display" section of the menu. After doing so, the tasks' statuses are shown under the title and all information on the task cards is displayed across two lines. If you select "One-line", the tasks in "My to-do" will look as regular tasks do in List view.
Remove Tasks From “My To-Do”
To remove any task from “My to-do”:
- Open a task in the Task view.
- Click the pin icon that appears in the upper-right corner of the Task view.
The task will be immediately removed from “My to-do,” but it will stay assigned to you if it was before. Alternatively, if a task is assigned to you and you haven't manually pinned it to "My to-do", you can simply unassign it from yourself to remove it from “My to-do.” Or in List view, right-click on a task, and, in the menu that appears, select “Remove from My to-do.”
To remove multiple tasks from My to-do:
- Open My to-do (or select tasks that assigned to you from the List view).
- Click on the "Mass edit" icon on the panel above the task list.
- Select tasks you want to delete from My to-do.
- Right-click one of the tasks.
- Select "Remove from My to-do".
Create Tasks From “My To-Do”
Tasks created from “My to-do” are automatically assigned to you. They are created as backlogged and always get the first active status of the default workflow.
- Go to your personal space and click on the “My to-do” folder.
- Click “+ new task” (appears above all tasks).
- Enter a title for your task.
- Click “Enter” on your keyboard.
The task is created and added to the top of the list in “My to-do.” Note that when you leave “My to-do,” the task might change position in the list according to your sorting settings. The created task is automatically added to the “Shared with me” folder.
“Created by Me” in Personal Space
Tasks are added into “Created by me” automatically, and nothing can be added manually to this folder. The “Created by me” smart folder contains:
- All tasks that you created
- All tasks created upon your submission of a request form
If you do not see some of these tasks in the folder, check the applied filters.
Customize “Created by Me” View
Filter tasks to show only active tasks, only overdue tasks, or all tasks.
Sort tasks by priority, date, date modified, date created, status, importance, or title.
Use mass actions within “Created by me” to quickly edit multiple tasks at the same time.
Create Tasks From “Created by Me”
In “Created by me,” tasks are created as backlogged, without assignee, and always get the first active status of the default workflow.
- Go to your personal space and click on the “Created by me” folder.
- Click “+ new task” (appears above all tasks).
- Enter a title for your task.
- Click “Enter” on your keyboard.
The task is created and added to the top of the list in “Created by me.” Note that when you leave the “Created by me” folder, the task might change position in the list according to your sorting settings. The created task is automatically added to the “Shared with me” folder.