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Reports Overview

Regular Users on Business and Enterprise accounts can create Reports.

5.5 min read



Wrike Reports are customizable reports which you can build to quickly gather the data you need from your tasks and Projects. Each time you open or refresh your report, it automatically updates to include the most up-to-date data which meets your report’s criteria.

For example, you can create a report to see all active tasks from your team’s Folder. Whenever you open or refresh the report it automatically updates so that you see only tasks which are currently active.

Please note, External Users and Collaborators are not able to create Wrike Reports, but they can view reports shared with them and Report snapshots. 


Benefits of Wrike Reports

  • Save time: Wrike Reports automatically update with new information each time they’re opened, which means that you don’t have to spend time putting together weekly reports.
  • Gain big picture visibility: gain insights into the performance of all of your projects and teams.
  • Manage expectations: see what is bogging down the team, what is past due, and where breakdowns occur.

Create a Wrike Report

Wrike Tip! Before creating a report, make sure that you added all the relevant custom fields to the tasks or projects you want to report on. Otherwise, the data from the custom fields won't be included in the report.

  1. Select the Reports tab 1 from the top of the Workspace.
  2. Click “+ New Report From Scratch” 2 or select one of the Report templates.
  3. Use Wrike’s Report Builder to specify the type of data you want to add to your Report.
  4. After setting your Report’s parameters, click “Save and View”.

You will be taken to your new report and it will also be added to the top of the list of reports in the Reports section of your Workspace.

Please note, you can leave the Report Builder or click “Cancel” in the Report Builder’s upper right-hand corner at any point before saving to delete your report before it is created.


Wrike’s Report Builder

Wrike’s Report Builder is made up of four panels which walk you through the process of creating a report.


Name your Report

Enter a name for your report in the “New Report” field at the top of the Report Builder. Make sure to name it something descriptive so that later you can easily find your report on the Reports tab.

Report Type

Use this panel to choose what you want to report on: Projects, tasks, or timelog entries. What you choose to report on dictates what data is included in your report.

  • Project Reports: include Projects which match the criteria you designate in the Report Builder.
  • Task Reports: include tasks which match the criteria you designate in the Report Builder.
  • Timelog Reports: include Timelog entries which match the criteria you designate in the Report Builder.

Please note, reports on tasks automatically include data from subtasks as well.

Source Data

Check the box to the left of each Folder or Project to include data from that Folder or Project in your report. Please note:

  • Projects or Folders with Subprojects or Subfolders are denoted with an arrow to the left of their name. Click the arrow to see the Subprojects and Subfolders. 1
  • To include data that lives directly in a parent Folder or Project you must check the box next to that Folder/Project 2When you check or uncheck the box next to a parent Folder or Project, its Subfolders and Subprojects are automatically selected or deselected. 
  • To include only certain Subfolders or Subprojects: click the arrow next to the parent Folder or Project and then check the box next to the appropriate Subfolders and Subprojects 3



This step is optional, but adding filters allows you to decide what type of information you want to include in your report.

The type of filters you can add depends on whether you’re reporting on tasks or Projects.

Projects Tasks Timelog Entries
Project Owner Status User
Status Assigned to Date
Start Date Tasks to do Category
Finish Date Task Type  
Project Creator Due Date  
Created Date Start Date  
Health Completed Date  
Progress Last Modified Date  
Approvals Created Date  
+ Custom Fields Author  
  + Custom Fields  

Add a Filter

  1. Click the dropdown arrow to the left of a filter category.
  2. Check the box next to a filter you would like to apply.
  3. Repeat this process with all filters you would like to apply.

Only tasks which meet the chosen filter criteria are included in your report.

Please note, you must click the “Add more filters” button on the Filters panel to see Custom Fields and be able to apply them as filters.


Use this tab to choose how you would like to format your report: as a column chart or as a table chart. Then specify which Groupings you would like to add to your report. Groupings dictate how data is organized on your report, but the exact way that Groupings affect a report depends on the format you choose.  

The screenshot below shows a column chart report (left) and table chart report (right). Both reports have “Assignee” and “Status” Groupings applied:

Please note, Timelog Reports are only available in the Table View. 



Add a Grouping

  1. Click the dropdown field under “Group by”.
  2. Select the Grouping you would like to add.

Please note, for column charts you can add up to two Groupings and for table charts you can add up to 10.

Open a Saved Wrike Report

Open a saved Wrike Report from the Reports tab. Click a Report column header to sort by that segment. 

  1. Select the Reports tab from the top of the Workspace. Recently viewed or created reports appear at the top of the Reports view.
  2. Select your report from the list that appears.
  3. Your report will open and contains the most up-to-date data matching the criteria you specified in the Report Builder.

Edit a Saved Wrike Report

  1. Select the Reports tab from the top of the Workspace.
  2. Select your report from the list that appears.
  3. Your report will open and will have the most up-to-date data matching the criteria you selected in the Report Builder.
  4. Click the “Edit” button in the report’s upper right-hand corner so that the Report Builder opens.
  5. Edit your report using the Report Builder.
  6. Click “Save and View” to save your changes and view your edited report.

Delete a Wrike Report

  1. Select the Reports tab from the top of the Workspace.
  2. Right click on the report you want to delete.
  3. Click the “Delete” option that appears.

Please note, immediately after a report is deleted, an “Undo” link is temporarily available at the bottom of the Workspace.

Share a Wrike Report

Regular Users can share Wrike Reports with any other member of their Wrike account. More details on our Share Reports page. 

Export Table Charts to Excel

Table Report creators and all users (including Collaborators) who a table Report is shared with can export table Reports to Excel. 

  1. Click the menu button in the table chart’s upper right-hand corner.
  2. Select “Export to Excel” to the dropdown menu that appears.
  3. All data from your report is automatically exported to an .xls file and is saved in the default folder for downloaded files on your computer. 

Please note, if you have added Groupings to your table, those Groupings are preserved when you export data to Excel.

More Info
